ANSR accident data for 2021 show that 12% of all fatalities were caused by being run over, of which 55% were in urban areas. This is a great scourge of our society. The increase in soft mobility and the demand for alternative means of transport leads more and more people to seek these modes of travel, especially among the younger age group.
With the increase in the number of cycle paths, trips home/school have increased every year, becoming an increasingly frequent situation, especially in large urban centers such as Lisbon and Porto. The concern of our young people when crossing crosswalks, especially near schools, leads to the search for the elimination of problems that may arise.
Smartpath seeks to present a set of solutions that aim to eliminate or minimize these problems.
There will always be a risk of accidents or incidents, but it is up to us to adopt solutions that resolve problematic situations.
We have several solutions, which meet ANSR’s vision of “Zero deaths on the roads every day”.
Speed reduction pads, solar paving markers, H7 LED signs, as well as flexible LED bollards and non-slip paving, are solutions that complement each other and could create an environment conducive to ANSR’s objectives being achieved. effectively achieved.
We believe that in the short term, with investment and a global vision of the topic of calming traffic, the results will be much more satisfactory in terms of road accidents.
The complementarity of Smartpath products is fundamental in the creation of these mechanisms to reduce speed and calm traffic, in constant alert to danger.
The combination of the Lighting Column with sensor, with the built-in solar markers and the H7 Signal with LED, powered by a solar panel, with the innovation of energy retention by Lithium batteries, lighter and more durable.
In this case, we combined the LED Beacons, as a signal for the Crosswalk, with the Speed Reducing Cushion, preceded by the Solar Markers and on the axis the flexible Beacons to prevent drivers from deviating from crossing over the ARV.
These projects are completely adjustable to the degree of need and severity of each of the situations to be analysed.